Thursday, August 5, 2010

Top 5 Sports Injuries

Have you ever wondered what are the most recurring sports injuries?

1. Sprained Ankle – which is a twisting or stretching of the ligaments and the tendons of the ankle. Many times this injury can be very painful causing swelling and discoloration.

2. Muscle Pull- This can occur anywhere in the body but the more popular sites are the hamstring, quad, shoulder and groin.

3. Shoulder Pain – There are many different type of shoulder injuries resulting from sports that range from a simple strain to more complex injury such as a dislocation. Muscles that support the shoulder are called the rotator cuff which is probably the main muscle injury of the shoulder.

4. Shin Splints – This is an irritation of the lower leg. This is an inflammation of the tendon that attaches to the tibia (shin bone). Shin splints are usually as a result of mechanical problem from the foot. When the foot doesn’t land properly when running the tension is put onto the tissue of the shin which begin to inflame and causes pain.

5. Knee Pain – There are many different type of knee symptoms including stains of the ligaments, damage to the cartilage, muscle weakness and ligament tears. The is one area that is put under a lot of pressure during sports and when if begins to weaken many of these type of problems can occur.


Gwen said...

It’s good that you pointed out these sports injuries, so that any individual will exert effort to take extra precaution to avoid such ailments. However, it is inevitable sometimes for athletes, or other people involved in sports, to get injured. When this happens, it is best to seek the help of a chiropractor or a physical therapist, so that the injury will be addressed and prevented from getting worse.

Gwen Knight

Sienna Christie said...

I got a lot sprained ankle and a very painful knee when I started running last year. My PT told me that my body was just adjusting to the sport that I was into, and I guess she’s right. I’m glad that with warmup exercises before running sessions, injuries weren’t at all frequent. My physical therapist was very helpful in my passion for running.

< Sienna Christie >